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*Update* Notification of Water Main Break 1.30.25

Notification of Update on Water Main Break

No Boil Water Advisory



The Jasper Municipal Water Department would like to announce that repairs have been completed on the water main break in front of 2502 Howard Dr.  

A Boil Water Advisory is NOT in effect.  There are no potential health effects.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Jasper Water Department at 812-482-5252. 

Notification of Water Main Break



The Jasper Municipal Water Department is currently working on a water main break in front of 2502 Howard Dr.  The water will be turned off or water pressure may be low while the repairs are being made.  The anticipated time to restore service will be dependent upon the severity of the main break, which could take several hours to repair. Currently, no boil advisory is being issued. Communication will be updated as more information becomes available.   

If you have any questions concerning this issue, please feel free to contact the Jasper Water Department at 812-482-5252.  

Thank you for your patience as the Water Department works to address this issue.