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A planned water outage for 10 residences on Marywood Dr. is scheduled for tomorrow (11/21/2024)

From the Jasper Water Department:


The Jasper Municipal Water Department will be tying in a water main for the back-up water supply on Marywood Drive starting on Thursday, November 21, 2024. The planned water outage will start at approximately 8am and last until approximately 2pm. The water will be turned off while the work is being done.


After the work is completed, you may experience discolored water or air in your service lines. To fix this, turn on your cold water tap and run for a period of 10 minutes.


During this time, a boil advisory will be issued. The boil advisory will last a minimum of 48 hours or until two consecutive water samples pass our testing.


Residents are asked to boil their water for five minutes before human and pet consumption. The water is safe for bathing. Communication will be updated as more information becomes available.


If you have any questions concerning this issue, please feel free to contact the Jasper Water Department at 812-482-5252.