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City Comprehensive Plan

The City of Jasper, Indiana, by and through its Common Council, is seeking a professional consultant to assist with development and update of a City Comprehensive Plan. The candidate will be expected to prepare a new Comprehensive Plan and related supportive documents and materials. The Jasper Plan Commission is accepting Statements of Qualifications from firms related to this planning project, for and on behalf of the Common Council, and will forward the same to the Common Council for consideration.

The City anticipates the new Plan will express a progressive vision that promotes thoughtful, managed growth and development, promotes the health, safety and welfare of the community and continues to position Jasper as a regional hub of economic and social activity.

All Statements of qualification and interest, and associated submittal materials, will be accepted until 4:00 pm EDT, Friday, January 31, 2025. Teams of two or more consulting firms are acceptable and should combine their statements into one package.

Any firm wishing to be considered for providing the services described in this RFQ shall submit five (5) bound copies of their submittal along with the following information to: 

Josh Gunselman

Director of Community Development & Planning 

City of Jasper

610 Main Street

Jasper, IN 47546

Phone: (812) 482-4255

Email: jgunselman@jasperindiana.gov

The project is expected to commence no later than May 2025 and conclude approximately 12 months thereafter. 
