Jasper's Multimodal Transportation Plan
The City of Jasper is looking to the future with its Multimodal Transportation Plan.
The Multimodal Transportation Plan sets the city's transportation vision, goals, policies, and program for motorized and active modes of transportation and Jasper wants those who live and or work in the area to help shape the vision for the future.
The Multimodal Transportation Plan will not only update a long term transportation vision for the City, but will also be the road map the City follows to get there.
Jasper's Multimodal Transportation Plan includes:
• Prioritized list of project recommendations;
• Estimated project costs;
• Potential funding sources;
• And, a timeline for making it happen.
So how can you contribute to the future of Jasper? Complete this survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/jaspermultimodalplan) and give your feedback by November 25, 2020.
You can view the recording of the Virtual Open House held on November 10. https://app.box.com/s/xkpw250fstmuhylq0lu81c9ezjvddmfh
Jasper Open House Presentation (PDF link)
Jasper Multimodal Plan-Recommended Road Projects (PDF link)
Jasper Multimodal Transportation Plan - Final (PDF link)
For questions, comments, or more information please contact Jasper Director of Community Development and Planning Josh Gunselman at jgunselman@jasperindiana.gov or 812-482-4255, or Cheryl Sharp at csharp@lochgroup.com or 314-446-3793.